Monday, April 13, 2020

15 Dis- Words and Their Relations

15 Dis- Words and Their Relations 15 â€Å"Dis-† Words and Their Relations 15 â€Å"Dis-† Words and Their Relations By Mark Nichol Words with the antonymic prefix dis- are easily confused with similar-looking terms starting with mis- or un- that usually have differing connotations or entirely distinct senses. Here are comparative definitions of some of these terms, along with etymological identification: 1-2. Disassemble/Dissemble/Misassemble The first two words have a shared etymology but distinct meanings. To disassemble originally meant â€Å"to disperse† and now means â€Å"to take apart,† but to dissemble is to conceal or simulate. The Latin root they share is simulare, which means â€Å"to make like or to compare.† (Resemble, semblance, and the like also stem from this word, and similar is closely related.) Dissimulation is dissemble’s more directly descended synonym. To misassemble, meanwhile, is to assemble incorrectly. 3-4. Disassociate/Dissociate These interchangeable words mean â€Å"to separate,† either literally, as in withdrawing from a social group, or figuratively, as in diverging from past behavior. (The common root stems from the Latin term sociare, which means â€Å"to join,† from which English derives social, society, and similar words.) 5. Discharge/Mischarge Discharge means â€Å"to release,† â€Å"to unload,† or â€Å"to perform one’s duties.† Mischarge is a rare word meaning â€Å"to make a mistake in charging,† as in loading a weapon. (The root word, charge, is from the Latin term carricare, meaning â€Å"to load.†) 6. Disconnect/Misconnect To disconnect is to uncouple or unhook. To misconnect is to put together erroneously. (The shared root, connect, is from the Latin word connectere, â€Å"to join together.† That word’s root, in turn, is related to nexus, meaning â€Å"a link or bond.†) 7. Discount/Miscount A discount is a markdown on a price. A miscount is a tabulation made in error. (The source of the root count is the Latin word computare, from which, of course, compute and computer are derived.) 8. Disinformation/Misinformation Disinformation is a form or propaganda intended to cover up inconvenient facts and/or sway public opinion. Misinformation is a more neutral term referring merely to incorrect data. (The Latin root they share is formare, which means â€Å"to form or shape.†) 9. Disinterest/Uninterest These seemingly indistinguishable words sharing the root word interest (from the Latin term interesse, meaning â€Å"to be between† or â€Å"to make a difference†) have a key difference of connotation: To be disinterested is to have no stake in something, to be impartial, and uninterested denotes the more basis sense of a lack of concern or investment in something. 10. Dislocate/Mislocate To dislocate is to put out of place; to mislocate is to misplace, or lose. (Locate is from the Latin word locare, â€Å"to place,† and is related to locus, which refers to a site or center.) 11. Disorder/Misorder Disorder is a lack of organization or an instance of random placement, or a state of social upheaval; it is rarely used as a verb, perhaps because disorder is generally not a consciously achieved state. Misorder is an uncommon verb meaning â€Å"to erroneously order,† as in preparing an order, or a list of items such as tasks to accomplish or products to purchase. Disorder also applies to a mental or physical condition that is not normal. (The root word order is descended from the Latin term ordinem, meaning â€Å"arrangement.†) 12. Disorganized/Unorganized These antonyms of organized (from the Latin word organum, meaning â€Å"instrument† or â€Å"organ†) are nearly synonymous, but a distinction is sometimes made between the former referring impersonally to places and things and the latter being a personal characteristic. 13. Disqualified/Unqualified To become disqualified is to be deprived or made ineligible; to be unqualified is to already lack the required prerequisites for qualification. (The common root is from the Latin term qualis, meaning â€Å"of what kind,† which is also the source of quality.) 14. Dissatisfied/Unsatisfied These terms have different shades of meaning: To be dissatisfied is to be disappointed in the quality of something, such as a product, or work done; unsatisfied refers to a quantitative displeasure, such as when an appetite or demand is not fulfilled. (Satisfy, the root of both words, comes from the Latin term satisfacere, a compound of satis, meaning â€Å"enough† also the source of sate, meaning â€Å"to appease an indulgence† and facere, meaning â€Å"to do or make,† whence fact.) 15. Distrust/Mistrust Both words mean â€Å"the absence or lack of trust,† with no real distinction between them. The root, of course, is trust, borrowed from Scandinavian and related through the Germanic-language family tree to true and truth. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Format a UK Business LetterCapitalization Rules for Names of Historical Periods and MovementsThe "Pied" in The Pied Piper

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