Monday, February 24, 2020

Nice thing that have happened to me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nice thing that have happened to me - Essay Example I still clearly remember that I was about to turn eighteen and I was very excited about my birthday the very next day. I was hoping for many phone calls as well as wishes from my family right after midnight. But I got really disappointed when the plans did not go according to what I had wished. As the clock ticked twelve, I waited for the arrival of my parents and my siblings into my room and I kept on looking towards my cell phone to expect messages and calls from all my friends and colleagues. I waited for an hour and the thought annoyed me that nobody remembered my birthday which was the most important day of the year for me. With thoughts that I was lonely and nobody cared for me, I fell asleep. Things did not change the next morning. I woke up and got ready to leave for my school. I waited longingly for my mother to remember but she did not find anything special about the day and she bid me farewell like all the other days of the week. I was utterly disappointed and headed for s chool expecting a warm welcome from my friends but the events did not occur as per my wish and I realized that nobody even wished me. I felt very down and the day seemed to be very long at school. I did not talk much to anyone and just looked forward to reach home and not to get in contact with anyone. As soon as I reached home, there was a pleasant surprise waiting for me.

Friday, February 7, 2020

LEGAL ASPECTS OF INTL BUSINESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

LEGAL ASPECTS OF INTL BUSINESS - Essay Example Malaysia Airlines flies from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing twice daily without stops. Passengers arrive at least two hours in advance. On March 7, a group of 34 Chinese artists’ relatives, organizers businesspersons and families traveling with infants board the plane. An Information technology student in Lumpur and migrants being smuggled into Europe also board the plane. The plane is a Boeing 777, one of the world’s most popular passenger jets enabled with electronic controls and a computer to keep the plane steady(Philip, para. 11). Malaysia Airlines is an international company therefore; its operations are in accordance to international laws in the form of treaties conventions regulating its mother county’s relationship with other counties such as China. International law also provides litigation in cases of such breach of contracts by parties dealing internationally. International law also provides guidelines that facilitate transfer of risk from one party to another dealing internationally. Negligence by a party that has led to losses on the other party can be a basis for suing for damages. China has not held back in halting the pace of the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. It has deployed 21 satellites and a flotilla of naval ships. China has also dispatched investigators to Malaysia, run background checks on Chinese passengers and scourer radar images. Working with Malaysian government in searching for the plane and investigating the happenings has revealed limits of China’s power, influence, technological and military might in the region, despite the rapid rise as a rival to the United States and American strategic dominance of the western pacific. Malaysia has been keeping other nations, including China at a distance, taking a leading role in solving the problem. Malaysia has the right to take control in the search operation. However, China as nation of